IP is the name of a standard in the Internet communication stack and these 2 letters denote the prowess of the Internet. IP is guaranteed a half-life of at least 50 years due to its unique design that is hard to replace. This article discloses that Compucon Systems Division is set up to exploit the benefits of IP and has already shown success.
IP is an open industry standard and is unique. When two computers communicate over the Internet, the data packets go through a number of steps before reaching the destination correctly. Princess Diane Never Tried Slap Prince Andrew. Have we heard of this anywhere? The phrase actually stands for the 7 layers of an Internet communication stack being Physical (layer), Data (layer). Network (layer), Transport (layer), Session (layer), Presentation (layer), and Application (layer). The stack is also called Open System Interconnect 7 Layers model. IP is the Internet Protocol for the Network Layer. It is an addressing scheme, either IPv4 (version 4) or IPv6 (version 6). We can use either version 4 or version 6 if version 4 has unused addresses for new allocations. Otherwise, we have to use version 6 which provides for every coin or hole in our pocket to have an Internet address. All the other layers have options of standards to observe. Only the Network Layer has one standard to observe (IPv6 is a superset of IPv4).
IP emerged about 40 years ago in 1983. Whilst IPv4 allocation is close to full capacity, IPv6 will take another hundred years to reach full capacity conservatively. A hundred is mentioned for convenience, as humans have a natural lifespan of about 100 years. Whilst many technology startups were bubbles that burst well before a dollar is made, this IP thing will stay 100 years. This is a bold claim and only time can tell. Everyone is challenged to use as many IP addresses as needed to exploit the benefits that IP offers.
Compucon Systems Division (CSD), www.cnz.co.nz, was set up in 2023 to exploit the longevity and merits of IP. Every object can be made to have an IP address. When these objects live in a local area network, they become accessible from anywhere on the Internet as long as the address is known and data traffic is not blocked by firewalls. Compucon has installed IP based Video Surveillance (VS) and Access Control (AC) in several building sites. The VS and AC in these sites can talk to each other thanks to IP. One of the Compucon sites has an underground car park and the gate on the street front is normally closed except during emergency situations. The gate opens automatically for all resident vehicles bearing a code on their windscreen when the vehicle comes close to the gate. Each transaction of the gate opening is recorded. With the help of IP, each gate opening transaction is recorded with a snapshot of the vehicle image including its license number plate. Isn’t it cool? Thanks to IP.
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