Stretching Cameras to do Public Addressing (T01)

Compucon Physical Security Project Team Stretching Cameras to Public Addressing

This flyer talks about how we can use a video surveillance camera as a public address system beyond the primary function of video recording. This is not a fantasy because it has been implemented successfully by the team here. This stretch enhances the value of a video surveillance system.

Modern professional video surveillance cameras are not just for taking snapshots or recording videos. They have a multitude of features that may not be used due to either ignorance or a ‘could not care less’ attitude of some users. One overlooked feature is the audio handling capability of cameras. This revelation may receive the standard response from experienced security system installers- maybe.

Many building and campus sites have areas that are havens for zombies at night. Zombies is the term used by a building manager who has been monitoring intrusions day and night. The term refers to unwelcome visitors to the site and paints them as ugly as children would have imagined.

‘This is private property. Please leave immediately or else the police may appear anytime’. Perhaps some zombies will ignore this announcement knowing it is an automation without more substance. At the same time, they would be annoyed by the challenge and may find a better haven elsewhere without similar annoyance. How true is it?

To increase the deterrence effects, there can be multiple pre-recorded scripts or live speaking. The costs for generating these effects are surprisingly marginal making this feature a good stretch of a security system.

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Stretching Cameras to do Public Addressing (T01)

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