Semiconductors (N01)

A single semiconductor company holds the wellbeing of the world’s advanced economies and thus virtually the world (as of 2022). This company is called TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductors Manufacturing Company). It has a dominant market share of the most advanced semiconductors produced and in use today worldwide. Its market share was estimated to be 90% for 5nm and 7nm semiconductors which are expensive and needed by the most advanced devices such as used in military, space, and autonomous driving where energy consumption, real estate occupation, and speed of computing are all critical. If more matured semiconductor nodes such as 12nm, 32nm, 45nm and 90nm are included, TSMC still owns the top share of the global contract market. Samsung from South Korea is ranked #2 and Intel is ranked #3 in terms of top end semiconductor foundry yield rates.

The image shows the contract market shares for each semiconductor node with 5nm as the most advanced (RHS). TSMC has announced 4nm and 3nm production roadmap. Samsung and Intel have announced down to 2nm production roadmaps. The industry treats 1nm as the Moore’s Wall.

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Semiconductors (N01)

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