Compucon Digital Infrastructure Team
Magnetic Locks for Access Control
Magnetic locks are popular devices for commercial building access control. Embedded locks are popular for residential. This situation may imply that magnetic locks are stronger than embedded locks. This is fine. However, if the situation implies that embedded locks are not as strong as magnetic locks, does it mean residential is not as important as commercial? Shall we look a bit deeper to understand the situation?
A magnetic lock (LHS image) consists of 2 magnets that are North facing and South facing respectively to each other. When the magnets are energized by electricity, they attract each other and will not separate unless the pulling force is extremely high. Maglocks are normally installed on the inside of the door which is the territory for protection. People on the outside of the door do not see the maglock at all and there is nowhere for them to apply force to pull the magnets apart. Legitimate tenants gain access by swiping an authorized card at the card reader on the outside of the door.
An embedded electronic lock (RHS image) is a direct replacement of the metal keylock. It is normally powered by batteries which are included in the assembly installed inside the door itself. Legitimate tenants gain access by swiping an authorized card in front of the lock. An embedded electronic lock looks simple and nice. Unfortunately, experience has indicated that embedded electronic locks are not as secured, strong and durable as magnetic locks.
It is an issue of balancing aesthetics with safety protection. The answer seems obvious. For some reasons, most residential doors are so installed as to exclude the use of maglocks. Otherwise, should or could apartments have maglocks too?
Compucon New Zealand has sort out the basics and is able to resolve the artificial challenges to install maglocks at a lower price than embedded electronic locks, depending how severe the artificial obstacles are.
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