But then the artificial intelligence license fee may be expensive at least in the early adoption stage. Can video surveillance be real time and yet cost effective? The short answer is yes. This article offers two cost-effective options and no licensing fee is payable.
Using a horn speaker to deter street kids may be a good idea. Horn speaker has to be loud to be heard and effective. The voice may be seen as annoying for law abiding people, and thus voice is not ideal on many occasions.
Strobe lights are a good alternative. They are not as intrusive as horn speakers, and they do have deterrence effects on law breakers. The police use red and blue strobes. We are not allowed to use the same strobes but alright to use blue strobes. Law breakers do not like to see the blue and red strobes, nor the blue strobes due to the natural reaction to signals of being watched. Compucon has succeeded linking blue strobe lights to the motion detection feature of surveillance cameras. That is, strobe lights and image recording take place at the same time. Cool!
For more private places which demand a high level of security, a more effective option is to link infrared intrusion detection with a camera. The detection will trigger optical lighting, or horn speaker, and the sending of an alarm email to the building manager as well as image recording at the same time. When alerted, the manager can remotely view the camera images in real time or check the recording any moment later.
Costs of the above features are only incrementally higher than a sole camera. The integration is a Compucon intellectual capability without patent protection. No licensing fee is payable. Compucon has tested them in the workshop and is ready for real life installation immediately.
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Security Cameras work best when Augmented (T05)
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