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… Its market share was estimated to be 90% for 5nm and 7nm semiconductors which are expensive and needed by the most advanced devices such as used in military, space, and autonomous driving …
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… 5G extends its radio spectrum in two respects: (a) widening the channels of communication so that each channel can accommodate a higher speed and volume of data transmission, and (b) adopting higher frequencies so that the communication wait time can be reduced …
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… One theory is that at the time of the Big Bang (the proposed start of the Universe), there was nothing. The Big Bang split nothing into matters and anti-matters. If this theory is correct …
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… IBM said the fastest classical computer was equivalent to a quantum computer of about 50 Qubits and IBM has recently achieved making a QC with 50 Qubits. What is Qubit? …
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We will be able to drive safely in darkness in the near future, thanks to a technology that was developed for autonomous driving (car driving without human involvements). A company based in the USA has announced some success recently…
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… This article attempts to introduce how science, technology, business, and politics got merged onto semiconductors. It is based on a collection of international news and the situation can change as directed by international politics…
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Politics in Semiconductors (N06)
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… Engineers capable of working at 7nm and smaller are rare. The total brain power is not enough to keep the law going too much further. This is where artificial intelligence based on machine learning helps…
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… Is Quantum Computing as confusing as real life? The short answer is YES. Quantum Computing is real as of today, and yet it is based on 2 confusing properties called superposition and entanglement. …
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Quantum Computing Confusing (N08)
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… Is 5G coming to an end for replacement by 6G soon? Some people may say so depending on how soon is soon. …
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Between 5G and 6G Connectivity (N09)
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… Nations grabbing space in the orbits around the Earth for military dominance and economic competitiveness is nothing new. …
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Low Earth Orbit of Satellites & Rubbish (N10)
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… Two topics have been highly visible in the media in 2024. They are Semiconductors and AI (artificial intelligence). …
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What’s the chance of AI resolving Moore’s Law (N11)
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… It looks like AI (artificial intelligence) and its associated opportunities are real. Where is AI leading us to? …
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AI Triggering 2nd PC Era (N12)
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