Business customers will benefit most from taking a higher level and global view of things before deciding what to install. Compucon will share the big picture with you as a valued business customer.
Best refers to a comparison with solutions offered by other vendors. There are 2 major differences of the Compucon approach to others. The first is that most vendors take a device approach such as the specification of a camera or door lock. Compucon takes a building operation supervisory control perspective.
Supervisory Control sits at 2 levels above end devices with local controllers as the middle level. By taking a higher and global view of things, Compucon sees the needs of the customer should be at a higher level of clarity and is enabled to implement solutions that are more powerful, economical, and future proofed.
The second is that most vendors supply what the customer wants as a single shot. Compucon understands that the customer may not be a technology evangelist and thus always build in extra capacity for future expansion of the installed systems. Customers may accept the average vendor approach as the norm. Nevertheless, customers will enjoy the benefits that are built in by Compucon for the long haul.